Petroleum Engineering
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Petroleum Engineering Jobs
Petroleum Engineering Job Description
Petroleum engineering jobs cover all aspects of the oil and gas industry, from drilling to production to refining petroleum products, such as oil, coal and natural gas. Petroleum engineers can work to design or manage drilling, mining and fracking operations both on land and off-shore. They also develop and improve processes for refining or transporting petroleum products, or even work in the manufacturing and distribution of oil and gas products. More Details
What do Petroleum Engineers Do?
- Design and develop processes and equipment to extract and refine oil and natural gas in the most efficient and profitable way
- Perform testing, surveys and assessments of wells and equipment for quality, safety and compliance with environmental regulations
- Design, install, maintain and operate oil field equipment and facilities
- Improve existing, and develop new methods of turning crude petroleum into refined products
Some examples of petroleum engineer jobs include:
- Reservoir Engineers
- Drilling Engineers
- Production Engineers
- MWD Engineer
- Log analyst
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